5 More Ways ChatGPT Can Save You Time Blogging

Blogging is the best way to increase organic traffic to your Squarespace website–better than social media by a lot!

But it can still be a bit time-consuming.

In my Traffic Transformer course, I teach you how to increase organic traffic to your Squarespace website by blogging and I provide lots of time-saving strategies to keep you on schedule and keep your audience engaged.

One of the ways you can save time is with ChatGPT.

In this post I outline 5 different ways you can use ChatGPT to streamline your blogging process while still producing high-quality content and blog faster.


1. Generate Content Ideas

If you’re having a brain block and need a little inspiration, ask Chat GPT to help.

ChatGPT likes specific instructions, so the more specific you can be, the better.

Some tips for getting great suggestions from ChatGPT are:

  • Niche: Clearly define your blog’s niche or industry.

  • Audience: Describe your target audience, including psychographics, interests, and pain points. 

  • Primary goals and objectives: State what you aim to achieve with your blog posts.

  • Keywords: Provide any relevant keywords, phrases, or current trends in your niche. If you haven’t done keyword research, take your best guess.

  • Competitor analysis: Share information about your competitors or other blogs in your niche.


2. Craft Engaging Headlines

A compelling headline is crucial for attracting readers to your blog. Paste your blog post content into ChatGPT and ask ChatGPT to generate at least 5 suggestions for an SEO optimized and catchy headline.

Specifically ask for a headline between 40-60 characters and 5-12 words long.

Consider instructing ChatGPT to incorporate emotional triggers and/or power words to grab your audience’s attention.


3. Write or Edit Content

Asking ChatGPT to generate a brief, or outline, for your blog post helps a ton! 

Having a brief helps you stay within the guardrails of your blog post topic without going off on a tangent. It may also prompt ideas you hadn’t thought of as they pertain to your topic.

If you ask ChatGPT to write your blog post, I suggest copying and pasting it into a Google Doc or Word document and heavily editing it to make it your own.

ChatGPT sources all of its information from the internet, so if you don’t edit what it provides, you just might be plagiarizing.

If you are concerned about your spelling or grammar, paste your blog post into ChatGPT and ask it to make corrections.

You could even ask it to improve upon what you have, but be sure to tell ChatGPT to maintain your “voice,” because you want it to sound like you.


4. SEO Optimization

Optimizing your content for search engines is essential for driving organic traffic to your blog. ChatGPT can help streamline the SEO process to help you rank higher in search engines.

Here are some ways ChatGPT can help with SEO optimization:

  • Keyword Integration: ChatGPT can suggest where and how to integrate keywords naturally within your content.

  • Meta Descriptions: Ask ChatGPT to create a meta description (this is an SEO description) for you blog post. Be sure it’s between 150-160 characters.

  • Internal Linking: ChatGPT can suggest relevant internal links to improve your site's SEO and keep readers engaged.

  • URL: Ask ChatGPT to generate a URL for your blog post between 3-6 words.


5. Create Social Media Posts

If you have a social media presence, it makes sense to promote your blog there. ChatGPT can generate engaging social media posts tailored to each platform, saving you the hassle of crafting unique content for each one.

  • Platform-Specific Content: ChatGPT understands the nuances of different social media platforms and can create posts that fit each one perfectly.

  • Consistent Posting: Generate a batch of posts in one go, ensuring you always have content ready to share.

  • Engagement Boost: ChatGPT can suggest hashtags, tags, and call-to-action phrases to increase engagement.


Make it Yours

However you decide to use ChatGPT, NEVER do a copy and paste!

It’s essential to make your post yours. ChatGPT is a great tool, but it doesn’t replace you. Human creativity and nuances can not be generated by ChatGPT, and your readers can tell the difference.

And remember, ChatGPT isn’t always right, so be sure to do your fact-checking if you need to.

Using ChatGPT is a huge time-saver and at this point, if you’re not using it, you are in danger of falling behind.

Start using ChatGPT if you haven’t already so you can save time in your blogging process and produce more great content!


Are you using ChatGPT?

Have you been using ChatGPT or shying away from it? Are you going to try some of these strategies? Are you using some of your own that aren’t listed here? Share your thoughts in the comments 👇


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5 More Ways ChatGPT Can Save You Time Blogging
Jennifer Barden

This article was written by Jennifer Barden, founder of Jen-X Website Design and Strategy.

Many Squarespacers feel defeated when their websites don’t attract and engage visitors.

In my blog, I share my secrets for effective Squarespace website design and strategy so that DIYers and Squarespace Website Designers can learn tips for building Squarespace websites that attract and engage the right visitors.


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