3 Blogging Strategies That Convert Website Visitors Into Paying Customers

Let’s face it, at the end of the day, we all want to convert our website visitors into paying customers.

It is the end-goal we have in mind when we blog or create any kind of content for that matter. Hey, we have a business to run after all, not an expensive hobby.

Sure, we love to share our thoughts and provide valuable information to our audience because that also lights us up!

But in the end, blogging is a powerful tool for converting visitors into loyal, paying customers.

Let’s dive into three proven strategies that show how effective blogging can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.


1. Create Engaging, Relevant Content

In contrast to social media, blogging is where you build trust with your audience by creating long-form content that is focused on adding value rather than merely capturing momentary attention. You can really hone in on the specific problems your audience faces and provide detailed, valuable solutions that demonstrate your authority to solve their problem and help them take actionable steps on their own.

When visitors land on your blog, they’re looking for value. If you consistently provide high-quality, informative, and interesting posts, you’ll build trust and authority in your niche.

Consider creating a content calendar to plan and schedule your posts in advance. This ensures you’re regularly providing valuable content and not scrambling to come up with topics at the last minute. (HINT: I’m creating a kick-ass content calendar inside my Traffic Transformer blogging course coming soon!)

Tips for Creating Engaging Content:

  • Know Your Audience: Understand their pain points, needs, and interests and resonate with them by telling them how they feel.

  • Solve Problems: Write posts that address common issues your audience faces.

  • Be Authentic: Authenticity builds trust. Don’t be afraid to show the human side of your business. (Leave out the personal stuffβ€”it’s boring and irrelevant. If a personal anecdote will help demonstrate your point, that’s fine, but sprinkle it in, don’t pour it on!).

97% of your website visitors aren’t ready to buy from you…YET! So creating great content on a consistent basis that is relevant and engaging will keep your audience coming back for more until they ARE ready to buy from you.


2. Use Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

If you haven’t already, put a primary Strong CTA on your website on a button in the upper right corner. While this isn’t part of your blog, it is the most important element on your entire website and can be viewed from any page. It’s your cash register button and you don’t need visitors searching for your cash register, right? This is where you’ll use strong language like, β€œShop,” β€œSchedule a call,” β€œBuy Now,” β€œBook an Appointment.”

Okay, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about the CTAs you can include in your blog posts and/or on your blog pages. Be carefulβ€”you don’t want your blog content to turn into a solicitation for business. Blog content is where you offer helpful, free advice. Soliciting business within the context of your blog posts is like saying, β€œI only wrote this post so you’ll buy from me,” and that defeats the whole purpose, I don’t care what anyone else says.

Here are some CTAs I recommend having in your blog post or on your blog page

Effective CTA Techniques:

  • Lead Generators: This is a must! Offer even more value to your audience by including a freebie they can get in exchange for their email address. Put it directly in the context of your blog posts like I do. You’ll need a good Email Service Provider like ConvertKit to keep track of all those email addresses. Make sure you have at least one lead generator…more is better! For inspiration, check out my Ultimate List of Lead Generators. Your email list are your future customers, so don’t skip this step!

  • Internal Links: I highly recommend adding a sidebar to your Squarespace blogs where you can include links you want your visitors to notice. This could be your products or services, special promotions, your strong CTA (the cash register button I mentioned previously), lead generators, etc. You can create your own sidebar or get the sidebar plugin by SQSP Themes (it’s totally worth it). Including a sidebar with links is not the same as soliciting business. It’s a courtesy to your visitors who may want to explore the possibility of doing business with you, making it THEIR idea, not yours. Putting it where they can easily find it so that they don’t need to go searching for this information is appreciated.

  • Call Out the Benefits: Whether it’s a freebie, product, services, or promotion, be sure to let visitors know the value they will get when they engage, don’t assume that they know. Keep it short! (I’m a big fan of bullet points)


3. Leverage Email Marketing

Email marketing is still numero uno when it comes to any kind of marketing for your business, and if you don’t believe me, just Google it.

The thing is, when someone gives you their email address, they are EXPECTING to hear from you. This means they are INTERESTED! (Totally different from β€œfollows” on social media).

By capturing email addresses through your blog, you can maintain direct communication with your audience on a regular basis, keeping you top of mind with them and and turning some of those subscribers into paying customers


Email Marketing Strategies:

  • Offer Lead Generators: I know already mentioned this above, but it bears repeating. Make your lead generator really good, like, worth actual money. When your audience can see the value of your free thing, then they know that your paid thing must be amazing! Grab my Ultimate List of Lead Generators for some inspo.

  • Nurture Your List: Keep your subscribers engaged with regular updates, special offers, and valuable content. As I said, they are expecting to hear from you, so if you don’t email them, they will start to lose trust. And btw, please never use the word β€œNewsletter”…yawn.

  • Personalize Emails: If you’re using a great Email Service Provider like ConvertKit, you can tag subscribers to reflect their special interests and tailor your emails and promotions specifically for them.


You Can Convert Website Visitors Into Paying Customers

Will it happen overnight? NO…just sayin’. Building trust, showing you’ve got street cred, improving your offerings, fine-tuning your brand voice all take time!

The point is, if you DON’T do these things, then getting website visitors to convert is never gonna happen, if I’m being honest.

Put the right strategies in place and you’ve got a recipe for success. Creating engaging content, using relevant CTAs, and leveraging email marketing give your visitors reasons to stick around…and to come back!


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3 Blogging Strategies That Convert Website Visitors Into Paying Customers
Jennifer Barden

This article was written by Jennifer Barden, founder of Jen-X Website Design and Strategy.

Many Squarespacers feel defeated when their websites don’t attract and engage visitors.

In my blog, I share my secrets for effective Squarespace website design and strategy so that DIYers and Squarespace Website Designers can learn tips for building Squarespace websites that attract and engage the right visitors.


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