Why You Should Promote Your Lead Generator and NOT Your Products or Services

Put yourself in your customer’s shoes.

I know, I know, we try to do this all the time. But the reality is, we are usually standing firmly in our OWN shoes and thinking about how to sell our products and services.

And it’s only natural to think that in order to sell our products and services, we need to promote them, right?


What Your Customers Are Thinking

Whether it’s on your website, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or whatever, your customers are filtering all the information (content) you are throwing at them.

They are looking for:

  1. Information that tells them you can solve their problem.

  2. Information that conveys you as an empathetic authority who is qualified to solve their problem.

  3. How they can engage with your brand to solve their problem.

You may be nailing #s 1 and 2, but if you get #3 wrong (which most businesses do), you aren’t selling nearly as much as you could be.

Most businesses aggressively promote their products and services WITHOUT giving their customers a chance to sample their brand FIRST.

And this is especially a problem for high-ticket items like courses and 1:1 coaching.

It’s a big ask to expect customers who have never engaged with your brand before to skip the β€œgetting to know you” phase and jump right into the β€œI’m gonna spend a shit ton of money with this brand I’ve never engaged with before” phase.


What is a Lead Generator?

You may have heard it called β€œclickbait” or β€œfreebie.”

Essentially, a lead generator is a content-based item that has such great value to your customers that they are willing to provide you with their email address in order to get it.

It is said that when a customer does this, it is the equivalent of paying you $10.

This is because they are willingly engaging with your brand and they KNOW that it means they will be receiving future emails from you.

Their willingness to do this suggests that they are interested in staying connected with your brand, but they are not yet ready to make a purchase.


What Are Some Examples of Lead Generators and Which One(s) Should I Choose?

When you are choosing your lead generator, take into consideration what it is that you are selling.

Your lead generator should directly correlate with the product or service you provide and reinforce your authority to solve your customer’s problem.

For example, if you are a course creator, give away a mini-course that demonstrates your level of expertise.

If you sell personal care products, give away some samples of your products.

If you sell bagels, give away a coupon for a free bagel.

I’ve created an Ultimate List of Lead Generators for you to help get those creative juices flowing.

Here are some examples of lead generators:

  • Checklist

  • Scheduler

  • ebook

  • Webinar

  • Mini-course

  • Quiz

  • Free trial

  • Samples

When you give your customers free valuable content that demonstrates your ability to help them solve their problem, they will be much more likely to enter into a transactional relationship with your brand.

Using a great Email Service Provider like ConvertKit-soon to be Kit is imperative for keeping track of and staying in touch with your email subscribers.


What Are the Benefits of a Lead Generator?

Your lead generator is a low-risk entry for your customers to do business with you.

While they may not be ready to buy your product or service, their agreement to exchange their email address for your β€œfreebie” is a good signβ€”it means they are INTERESTED.

So there’s your first benefitβ€”you’ve just captured the email address of a customer who is interested in your product or service and expects to receive future emails from you.

Here are some other benefits:

  • Your lead generator builds trust with your customer by showing them you’re legit.

  • Your lead generator creates reciprocity with your customer, and the more value you give them, the more they will feel the need to reciprocate and buy your product or service.

  • Now that you’ve captured the email address of the customer who is interested, you can craft an email campaign that continues to nurture the relationship, and eventually ask them for their business, which they are now more likely to give you.


Promote your lead generator everywhere

Once you’ve created your lead generator, it’s time to start promoting it.

This may mean changing your marketing strategy.

Where you may have previously been hitting hard on social media and on your website to sell your products or services, you’re going to shift gears and promote your lead generator instead.

Because people are MUCH more likely to get your β€œfreebie” than they are to purchase your product or service if they’ve never bought from you before.

The #1 Most Important Thing is This:

Once you've captured your customer’s email address, YOU NEED TO STAY IN TOUCH WITH THEM!

This is your BEST marketing opportunity, so don’t squander it!

Once you’ve built your email list, you have a captive audience, and unlike social media, you know your email will make its way to the subscriber.

And what’s more, email campaigns have an average ROI of over 4,000% of dollars spent! Crazy!



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My Insta


Jennifer Barden

This article was written by Jennifer Barden, founder of Jen-X Website Design and Strategy.

Many Squarespacers feel defeated when their websites don’t attract and engage visitors.

In my blog, I share my secrets for effective Squarespace website design and strategy so that DIYers and Squarespace Website Designers can learn tips for building Squarespace websites that attract and engage the right visitors.


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