Will YouTube Videos Improve My Blog?

Have you ever been writing a blog post and thought, “It would be so much easier if I could just SHOW my followers how to do XYZ.”

Or maybe, “I think this content would be much more compelling if my followers could see and hear me present it.”

If you answered “Yes” to either of these, then my answer to you is, “Yes.”

Embedding YouTube videos/tutorials into your Squarespace blog is beneficial to you and your subscribers and website visitors.

Let me explain…(scroll down a bit but submit your template suggestion first 🙂).


YouTube Is a Search Engine

What is a search engine?

A search engine is basically a database people use to search for stuff online. (That’s layman’s terms in case you’re wondering).

It is said that YouTube is the second largest search engine next to Google. You can go ahead and Google this and find all kinds of controversy out there about whether or not that’s actually true. But really, who cares?

It’s a big-ass search engine, and that’s all that matters.

So being on YouTube is good! It makes it more likely that people who are interested in what you have to offer will find you.


Videos of You Build Trust

Your willingness to put yourself in front of the camera tells people you have nothing to hide.

In a world where so much has become digital and people are feeling a bit “detached,” it is comforting to see an actual human who is willing to publicly stand behind their product and/or services.

Much can be lost in a transcription: affect, emphasis, and tone can completely change the message, so recording a video helps your true message come through.

Your visitors and followers will feel more connected to you when they can see you and hear your voice, and this builds trust with them.

Keep scrolling ↓ 🙂


YouTube Is GREAT For Tutorials

When people are searching the internet to solve a “how-to” problem, they often skip right over Google and head straight to YouTube.

If your blog posts include tutorials, trying to verbally convey what would be SO much easier to SHOW people is a HUGE time suck!

Writing out instructions step by step, taking screen captures or photos, inserting arrows, trying not to leave out any important instructions.

It’s a PITA (pain in the ass)!

Video tutorials make so much more sense! Put it on your YouTube channel, and then embed the video tutorial into your blog post accompanied by the transcript.

When people are searching the internet to solve a “how-to” problem, they often skip right over Google and head straight to YouTube.

Including the on-page copy is important, and this is why…


Include a Transcript for SEO

As of today (April 2023) Google does not recognize audio in search results.

So if you embed a YouTube video into your blog post but you don’t include any on-page copy, search engines won’t find you.

The good news is that there are shortcuts for this!

My very favorite is Descript.

Descript can be used for both screen recordings and camera recordings.

Because I make mostly screen-recorded tutorials (as many of us do), I primarily use it for this.

But what makes it so great is it is SO easy to edit videos!

Editing videos used to take me for-e-ver!

So long, in fact, that I often just wouldn’t do them.

With Descript, it’s an absolute snap!

Editing is a breeze because Descript creates a transcription of your recording. Edit the transcription and you edit the video at the same time!

Then you can simply copy and paste the transcription into your blog post, edit it so it makes sense, and voila! Blog post done…check!

Let me show you how easy it is is my YouTube video tutorial below 😉


Copy and Paste a Transcript From YouTube

If you’re using some other method to record your videos/tutorials, it’s easy to copy and paste the transcript from the actual YouTube video too.

I show you how to do this in the tutorial below.


But I’m Not Comfortable on Camera

I hear you, my friend. It is possible that you can get used to it…I did.

But if you just know that getting on camera isn’t for you, then don’t! Because if you hate it, you just won’t do it.

However, you can still make videos or tutorials without showing yourself and this is good too.

Your followers and visitors will appreciate your tutorials because it makes it easier for them to follow along.

And let’s not underestimate the power of the words you choose and the manner in which you verbally convey them, delivering your message the way you intended it. This builds trust too!

So you certainly don’t have to show yourself if it weirds you out. You can still use YouTube videos and tutorials to take your blog to the next level.



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Will YouTube Videos Improve My Blog
Jennifer Barden

This article was written by Jennifer Barden, founder of Jen-X Website Design and Strategy.

Many Squarespacers feel defeated when their websites don’t attract and engage visitors.

In my blog, I share my secrets for effective Squarespace website design and strategy so that DIYers and Squarespace Website Designers can learn tips for building Squarespace websites that attract and engage the right visitors.


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