3 Blog Strategies to Show Authority and Get More Customers

Demonstrate Authority in Your Niche and Get More Customers

Whatever it is that you do, there are lots of other people and businesses doing the same thing.

So why should someone choose you?

By positioning yourself as the “go-to” person for what you do.

Having a great niche is helpful, but even if you haven’t gotten super nichey, you still know lots of stuff and have built up some street cred along the way.

By demonstrating authority in your niche (even if it’s not super nichey yet), customers see you as an expert making them much more likely to trust and choose you over your competitors.

In this post I talk about how to establish authority and draw more customers to your business through the magic of blogging.


1. Show Your Readers How Much You Know

Everything you talk about in your blog needs to 1) Align with what you do in your business, and 2) Highlight you as the expert at what you do.

If it can’t check these boxes, then it’s not part of your blog.

Take this opportunity to provide valuable tips, insights, inside information, and solutions to problems that you know your target audience is having. Be generous.

Add even more value by including at least one great lead generator that your visitor can get in exchange for their email address and grow your email is in the process.


2. Be Consistent With Your Brand Messaging

To be clear, a Brand Message is NOT colors, fonts, and logos. It’s the “message” of your business and it defines your brand and your audience.

Having a great Brand Message is the foundation of your business and makes every single thing you do in your business easier.

Not only will a Brand Message help you blog for your business, it will also inform everything else you put on your website.

When a visitor lands on your website and they see how knowledgable you are, they will start to poke around the rest of your website.

Use your Brand Message to write really great website content that lends itself to a professional-looking website and create blog content that supports your Brand Message, keeping you within the “guardrails” of your brand and preventing you from talking about anything that isn’t going to help you move the needle in your business.


3. Stay Updated and Keep Learning

To become the “go-to” person for what you do means staying on top of the evolving market as it pertains to your industry.

You have a duty to yourself and your target audience to stay updated with the latest trends and to be continuously learning new things that will help you maintain your authority.

You can do this by taking courses, attending workshops or webinars, getting on the right mailing lists, and reading up on the latest industry news, ensuring that your knowledge is current and relevant.

This allows you to be adaptable and open to change. Whether it's new technology, a shift in consumer behavior, or industry regulations, staying flexible and adopting changes early helps you stay ahead and allows you to share new insights and information with your audience.

It also makes them check in with you often and go to you FIRST when they are researching changes or updates in their niche.


The Bottom Line

Establishing authority in your niche is an ongoing process that requires dedication and effort.

By sharing your knowledge with your audience, having a strong Brand Message, and staying current with industry trends, you can position yourself as the “go-to” person for what you do.

This not only attracts more customers but also fosters trust and loyalty, making website visitors much more likely to do business with you.

Remember, demonstrating authority isn't about bragging or talking a lot about yourself (don’t do that)—it's about providing value, sharing your knowledge, and building genuine connections with your audience. Start implementing these strategies today, and watch your business grow!


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3 Blog Strategies to Show Authority and Get More Customers
Jennifer Barden

This article was written by Jennifer Barden, founder of Jen-X Website Design and Strategy.

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