3 Strategies to Weed Out Tire Kickers and Save You Time Using Your Squarespace Website

As a small business owner, you want to run a successful business AND enjoy your free time.

In order to do that, you need your website to do some heavy lifting for you, like weeding out tire kickers who are a waste of your time.

The problem is your website isn’t set up like this and you’re still getting inquiries from people who don’t value your product or service, which is frustrating.

You’re paying good money to have a website, so it should be optimized to perform this simple task for you.

I know how it feels to waste your precious time talking to people who will never engage with your brand.

That’s why I’m sharing these 3 strategies you can use on your website to attract your ideal client and eliminate those pesky tire kickers.

So you can stop wasting time talking to people who don’t value your product or service and start enjoying more free time to live your best life!


No More Tire Kickers

Tire kickers are a waste of your time. Here are some ideas for attracting only those people who are actually interested in your product or service at your price point.

1. Get real clear on who your ideal client is.

You need to identify exactly who your ideal client is, your β€œclient avatar.” The more specific you are about who you are targeting, the better.

All of the content (the words) on your website should appeal to your ideal client. Create this content as though you are speaking to your client avatar.

Not only will this grab your ideal client’s attention, but it will also communicate to those who are NOT your ideal that they are not in the right place.

This is good because they won’t inquire, and you won’t waste your time on someone who is unlikely to buy your product or service.

I recommend reading Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller to learn more about attracting your ideal client. It completely changed the way I structure my business and how I help my clients.


2. Include your pricing somewhere on your website.

This can be done in a couple of different ways

  1. You can list your pricing directly on your website.

  2. You can include your pricing in an inquiry form as a required field.

For higher ticket items, I recommend option #2, which I elaborate on next.

You only want clients who value what you have to offer. Your ideal client will appreciate your transparency and won’t experience the awkwardness of β€œsticker shock” when you get on a call with them.


3. Use an Inquiry Form

If a customer wants to inquire with you, rather than having them email you, have them submit an inquiry form.

Use this form to ask questions that your ideal client will happily engage with, but your not-so-ideal client won’t.

This is a great place to ask a question about your client’s budget or their specific needs.

Make the β€œdeal-breaker” questions β€œrequired.” In other words, your customer can’t hit the β€œsend” button unless they’ve answered them.

Have a dropdown with price range options asking your customer what their budget is for their project, or which package they are interested in. Then in the dropdown, list your pricing or price range (see the screenshot below). Make it a requirement for them to choose an option in order to submit the form.

Not only does this save time talking to people who can’t afford or don’t value your offerings, but it also prepares you for the call because you know what your customer needs help with. You can prepare for the call and maybe prevent a second call.

Squarespace scheduling form field options

Connect your form to Google Drive.

To really get Squarespace forms working for you, connect them to your Google Drive. When you do this, a spreadsheet will automatically be generated where all the fields of your form will populate and you’ll have a permanent record you can refer back to.



What Do You Want Your Website to Do For YOU?

Are you going to try any of these strategies on your Squarespace website? Is there something you’d like your website to be doing for you that it’s not?

Drop your comments below so I can bring more valuable content to YOU!



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3 Strategies to Weed Out Tire Kickers and Save You Time Using Your Squarespace Website
Jennifer Barden

This article was written by Jennifer Barden, founder of Jen-X Website Design and Strategy.

Many Squarespacers feel defeated when their websites don’t attract and engage visitors.

In my blog, I share my secrets for effective Squarespace website design and strategy so that DIYers and Squarespace Website Designers can learn tips for building Squarespace websites that attract and engage the right visitors.


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