Why Email Campaigns Are the Best Way to Promote Your New Business

Let’s face it, marketing your own business is not why you went into business.

And if your business is new, you’re probably trying to do this as cheaply as possible.

This means you’re probably spending most of your sweat equity on social media trying to be seen among all the other businesses that are also trying to be seen.

This is exhausting, time-consuming, and often futile.

So before we dive into why email marketing is the BEST way to promote your new business, let's first talk about social media.


You Can’t Rely on Social Media

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you’re familiar with the “mind-f*@king” and ever-changing strategies of social media marketing.

It often feels like a waste of your time. And if I’m being honest, it often is.

And in the end, you don’t even own your social media account!

Your email list is your strongest asset because it’s where your future customers reside. It FAR surpasses social media in conversion rates and no one can take it from you.

Here are a few downfalls of relying strictly on social media marketing:

  • You don’t own your social media account and it can be shut down at any old time for any old reason (and it happens, people…more than you know).

  • The algorithms are constantly changing and usually not to your advantage.

  • Your post is just 1 of dozens/hundreds/thousands that people will see on any given day (that’s if they even see it of course).

  • If you aren’t posting consistently (that means every single day), the algorithm will punish you by showing your post to fewer accounts— even your own followers!

  • If you include links to your website, the algorithm will penalize your post, as well as all your other posts

  • Time-sensitive posts are often seen after the fact, even by your own followers.

Bottom line: Social media marketing is unpredictable, unreliable, and in the end, you don’t even own it.

If you have thousands of followers, and your account gets shut down, your campaign has been lost.


The Advantages of Email Campaigns

People who subscribe to your campaign are INTERESTED!

It is said that when someone gives your business their email address, it’s the equivalent of giving you $10.

This is because they know they’ve entered into a relationship with your business and that they will be receiving emails from you.

It’s an agreement.

And once your business has that email address, you can nurture the relationship with that customer over time until the customer is ready to make a purchase (or another purchase).

Here are some reasons why email campaigns are so effective:

  • Email campaigns average a 4200% return on investment

  • 99% of email users check their email every day.

  • 60% of consumers say they’ve made a purchase because of a marketing email.

  • Email campaigns are a low-risk entry for customers to engage with your business until they are ready to make a purchase.

  • They give your customers an idea of what working with you would be like.

  • They create reciprocity with your customers, making them much more likely to do business with you in the future.

  • They provide an opportunity to nurture the relationship with your customers, building trust with them.

  • Once you create a campaign, you can “Set it and forget it,” saving you a lot of time! (I love ConvertKit for this—easiest one to use).

  • You own it and no one can shut you down!


How Do I Collect Email Addresses for My Email Campaign?

By creating a lead generator.

A lead-generator is something that has value to your customer that they are willing to exchange their email address for. Read about lead generators and the different kinds of lead generators you can create for your business here.

Offering value to your customers gives you a chance to show them that you are really good at what you do and that you really know your stuff.

They help build trust and reciprocity with your customers, and this is especially important for high-ticket items.

Giving customers an idea of what you offer and what it’s like to work with you will make them MUCH more likely to buy from you.


How Do I Promote My Lead Generator?

Social Media, if You Must:

If you are active on social media, you will need to promote your lead generator here.

Social media is an adjunct to your website, not the other way around. Use your website as the gateway to your email campaign(s), your best marketing strategy, and promote this on social media.

Promoting your lead generator on social media by letting people know they can get something of value for free is much better than trying to sell your product.

Remember, people are much more likely to buy from you after they’ve had a chance to learn more about you and you’ve nurtured the relationship.

I recommend pointing your customers to your website (which is great for SEO) to sign up for your lead generator and using a great Email Service Provider like ConvertKit.


Directing traffic to your website means promoting your lead generator.

To be sure your website visitor sees your lead-generator put it in these places:

  • In a pop-up, this way they can’t miss it! It’s the BEST place for it.

  • In the context of your blog post. See mine above ↑.

  • On your home page in the header and again toward the bottom. Check out mine to see what I mean.

  • Consider putting it in the footer, that way it will be on every single page no matter what.

  • If you have a sidebar in your blog, put it there too!


If Your Social Media Following IS Your List, Beware!

If your entire “list” of customers exists only on social media, BEWARE!

You don’t own this list and your account could be removed on a whim. This happens, so don’t balk at this.

You need a list of emails that YOU own, not your old pal Mark Zuckerberg.

Don’t get me wrong, having a following on social media is great, but only if these followers are actually interested in your brand and not just the funny content in your reels.

Customers who are actually interested in your product or service are the ones who deserve your energy.

Use your large social media following to promote your lead generator. This way you can weed out the ones who aren’t really interested in what you offer and focus your attention on those who are.


What’s the Bottom Line

When you’re starting a new business, gaining traction can be a big challenge, and often not much fun.

Your time is precious and it’s important to allocate it in a way that will get you the best results with the least amount of work.

Email campaigns are the answer!

They are still work, and they will still require your time and energy, but in the long run, it’s worth it.

If you DO have a large following on social media—GREAT! This will make promoting your lead generator even more effective.



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Why Email Campaigns Are the Best Way to Promote Your New Business
Jennifer Barden

This article was written by Jennifer Barden, founder of Jen-X Website Design and Strategy.

Many Squarespacers feel defeated when their websites don’t attract and engage visitors.

In my blog, I share my secrets for effective Squarespace website design and strategy so that DIYers and Squarespace Website Designers can learn tips for building Squarespace websites that attract and engage the right visitors.


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