Should I Have a Chatbox on My Website?

You want potential new customers to engage with your brand so you can build a trusting relationship with them until they are ready to buy from you. This means you need to provide them with ample opportunity to get in touch.

And since you don’t get to choose how your customer wants to engage with you, you need to be sure you are leaving all the doors wide open so that your customer can contact you at their convenience.

Adding a chatbox to your website is one of those doors!

Facebook Messenger is the cheapest and easiest chatbox “product” to add to your website. It’s free, and since you’re probably already on Facebook, why purchase a 3rd party app that you would have to remember to check?

Chances are good too that your customer also has a Facebook business account, so putting the Facebook Messenger chatbox on your website makes a lot of sense for both you and your customers.

Being able to answer your customer’s questions in real-time provides a personal touch and allows you to build and nurture a relationship with them until they are ready to buy.

Watch the 2023 tutorial below ⬇ that shows you how to easily add a Facebook Messenger chatbox to your website.


Before We Get Started

Before we get started, there are two requirements you’ll need to add a Chatbox to your Squarespace website:

  1. You’ll need to have the Squarespace Business Plan

  2. You’ll need to have a Facebook for Business Account


How You Customize Your Facebook Messenger Chatbox

  1. Go to

  2. Select ‘Settings’ in the upper right corner (it’s the cog) and choose ‘view all settings’

  3. Select ‘Chat Plugin’

  4. Edit the ‘Website Domain’ field by selecting the little pencil and put your entire domain in this box

  5. Select ‘

  6. Select ‘Automations’ where you can create automated messages, display FAQs, set ‘Away’ hours, and create a greeting and a welcome message.

  7. Customize your Chat Button to match your brand and see how it will look on your website and mobile


How to Add the Chatbox to Your Squarespace Website

Get the Code from Facebook Meta

  1. In the Chat Plugin tab, select ‘Setup’ at the top

  2. Select ‘Squarespace’

  3. Make sure the correct language is selected and hit ‘Save’

  4. Make sure the website information is correct and hit ‘Save’

  5. Select ‘Copy code’ and hit ‘Next’

  6. Follow the instructions in the panel for pasting the code in your Squarespace website

Paste the Code in Squarespace

  1. In the Dashboard, select ‘Website’

  2. Scroll to the bottom and select ‘Website Tools’

  3. Select ‘Code Injection’

  4. Paste the code in the footer


What if I Make Changes to My Chatbox?

No problem! When you edit the chatbox in Facebook Meta, you do not need to re-embed the code. Your changes will be automatically reflected on your website. Just be sure to select ‘Publish’ when you’ve completed your changes in Meta and refresh your browser before you check it on your website!


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Jennifer Barden

This article was written by Jennifer Barden, founder of Jen-X Website Design and Strategy.

Many Squarespacers feel defeated when their websites don’t attract and engage visitors.

In my blog, I share my secrets for effective Squarespace website design and strategy so that DIYers and Squarespace Website Designers can learn tips for building Squarespace websites that attract and engage the right visitors.

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