Trigger a ConvertKit Modal Form With a Link Click in Squarespace

Have you ever wondered how web designers get a subscription form to pop-up with the click of a button?

You may have seen this cool feature put into place on someone else’s website and wondered, “How did they do that?”

In this post, I’m going to teach you how to create a link trigger to a ConvertKit Modal form embedded into your Squarespace website so that when you click the link, the form will pop up.

Watch me do it in the tutorial. It’s short. ↓


Create Your Modal Form

If you don’t have a ConvertKit account yet, here’s a link to create one. They are my favorite Email Service Provider because I find ConvertKit to be very intuitive with great video tutorials and an excellent customer support team.

Once you’re logged in:

  1. Select Grow > Landing Pages & Forms

  2. Select +Create New > Form > Modal

  3. Choose whichever one you like. I always choose ‘Poplar’ because it allows for a headline and body text.

  4. Create your form (this tutorial doesn’t cover how to create a form, but you might find this YouTube Video helpful for creating one).


Create the Link Trigger

Go into the settings of your form:

  1. In the ‘General’ tab, select ‘Timing’ and change this number to 9,999

  2. Create a note, a text file, or a document where you can copy, paste, and edit the link trigger

  3. Copy the link trigger into the note. It will look something like this:

    <a data-formkit-toggle="FORM ID IS HERE" href="https://FORM URL IS HERE">Your link text</a>

  4. Copy everything from https:// up to and including the quotation mark and paste it in a new spot in your note. You’ll be adding onto this. It will look something like this:

    https://FORM URL IS HERE"

  5. Now copy everything from data-formkit-toggle all the way through the form ID without copying that last quotation mark. Paste it at the end of the string. It will look something like this:

    https://FORM URL IS HERE"data-formkit-toggle="FORM ID IS HERE

  6. This is your link trigger, or what I refer to in the video as your ‘click-through link.’ Copy this link and paste it into your website however you’d like—it works just like any other link. I put mine on a button. No need to open in a new window.


Embed the Modal Form Into Your Squarespace Website

Head back over to your ConvertKit form:

  1. Select ‘Publish’

  2. Copy the JAVASCRIPT code that appears in the window

  3. Come back over to your Squarespace website on the page you just pasted your link trigger in

  4. Select +Add Block > Code

  5. Paste the code you just copied out of ConvertKit

  6. Select ‘Save’ and test it out


If You Have to Edit Your Form

If you end up having to make an edit to your ConvertKit form, you will have to publish it again and replace the code in the embedded code block.

Always test it out to be sure things are working properly.


Will you try this?

Pretty cool, huh? Are you going to try this out? Are you doing this already? What will you use it for? Share your thoughts in the comments. 👇


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Trigger a ConvertKit Modal Form With a Link Click in Squarespace
Jennifer Barden

This article was written by Jennifer Barden, founder of Jen-X Website Design and Strategy.

Many Squarespacers feel defeated when their websites don’t attract and engage visitors.

In my blog, I share my secrets for effective Squarespace website design and strategy so that DIYers and Squarespace Website Designers can learn tips for building Squarespace websites that attract and engage the right visitors.

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